Client story Global energy company - SAM office support

By Insight Editor / 21 Jun 2023 / Topics: Modern infrastructure IT optimization Software Asset Management (SAM)
By Insight Editor / 21 Jun 2023 / Topics: Modern infrastructure IT optimization Software Asset Management (SAM)
A Global Energy Company operating worldwide with around 10,000 direct employees is in the midst of a digital transformation programme. Touching all areas of their business and operations, using advanced analytics in their decision-making process to become more agile and adaptable and deliver greater added value to their whole business.
Establishing and maintaining proactive control of every software asset in the business:
The Software Asset Manager said: “Thanks to the SAM services offered by Insight, we have established a long-term programme for SAM in our organisation to focus on both the operational and strategic side of SAM. This has added value to our overall IT management system by focusing on cost reduction and contract optimisation.”
Insight delivers a continuous software asset management office support service, providing detailed analysis, recommendations and technical support to help the client achieve their objectives. The service supports managing over 400 software and cloud vendors with particular focus on software installed on PCs and servers and the migration to the cloud.
The client’s workload burden has been drastically reduced with continuous support, freeing up their resources to focus on their strategic initiatives.
Gaining advice and guidance at all levels across their business units from CIO through to legal, procurement and IT delivery departments.
When working with its clients, Insight takes a collaborative consultancy approach to fully understand their needs and business practices. In the case of the global energy company, this enabled Insight to build and deliver a continuous software asset management office support service.
As the global energy company's trusted partner for software asset management services, the company has established a long-term programme for SAM that delivers value through cost reduction, contract optimisation and improve governance.
A Global Energy Company operating worldwide with around 10,000 direct employees is in the midst of a digital transformation programme wanted to establish and maintain proactive control of every software asset in the business.
annual savings
established with guidance on optimisation opportunities
with guidance to support business strategy
of volume of work, increasing their value back into the business