Implement Cost- Effective Business Security and Risk Solutions.
Investments into solutions which comprehensively protect and respond to cybersecurity threats whilst delivering appropriate governance can be a real drain on resources. You need to deliver innovative and transformational products and services to your customers without compromising on growth opportunities​. So, how do you balance the need to proactively mitigate and resolve both potential and current threats, whilst ensuring good governance across people, process and technology?
Although meeting regulatory and corporate governance requirements are a necessity for organisations, it can also act as an opportunity - to expand into new markets.
Security remains a top priority for business, as threats and attacks increase in frequency and complexity. Updating aged or unsupported applications and platforms to modern hybrid architectures often means having to address a large amount of technical debt. Current investments may also be focused on yesterday’s threat, resulting in further challenges including increased costs.
Cybersecurity needs to be simple to manage, delivering the right levels of protection aligned to security and risk profiles - without being too prohibitive for users. It can be challenging balancing security controls with usability, so that employee productivity isn’t impacted, stifling business growth.