Take Control of
Your IBM Spend
There’s always opportunity
to improve.Helping you take control of your IBM investments​
Many organisations struggle to understand the commercial and contractual complexities of IBM. Explore how our expertise can demystify the complexities, mitigate risks and optimise your spend.​
Latest news and guidance
Prices are rising, contracts are more complex and you need to take control. We highlight latest news and advice to help you mitigate risks, optimise spend and create fit-for-future commercial and contractual IBM agreements​.
Read articles:
• Major change to IBM passport contracts
IBM optimisation services
We deliver the right insight, guidance and expert help at the right time, so you can be in the best position to optimise spend, reduce risks and achieve a greater return on your investments.​
• Explore our range of services
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If you need specific help right now, why not book a free 1/2hr session with one of our IBM optimisation experts. We can help support you to identify areas of greatest risk and identify potential solutions.
Book 1/2hr guidance session with one of our experts:
Suheb Ahmed
Case Studies
Delivering Success
See how we have helped our clients optimise their IBM investments.
Global Manufacturer
Substantial audit settlement reduction
An IBM audit had identified $28M non-compliance fee, the client was unsure of their position and reporting obligations.
Insight provided support through data collection, analysis and validation, delivering accurate reporting based on the applicable licensing metrics across their IBM estate.
Insight helped the client challenge the audit findings and reduce the settlement down to $1M and included a two-year grace period for reporting and verification.
Global Manufacturer and Retailer
Optimisation delivers results
Client had global deployments of strategic IBM applications across 16 entities, and recent changes to their environment meant they were unable to correctly measure licensing requirements, resulting in a $12M compliance risk.
Insight identified significant exposures and wastage through a baseline analysis. Through changing the client’s deployment model, we enabled a more efficient way of licensing users which reduced their licensable footprint.
This resulted in a reduction in licensing position worth over $12 million, which was later validated through a painless IBM audit with zero value compliance outcome.
European Automotive Company
Correct reporting reduces audit risks
Client had deployed IBM’s ILMT but had not actively maintained the tool, which was creating reporting issues and increased risk of audit non-compliance.
Insight’s experts identified all the issues causing malfunctions and incorrect reporting. We delivered updated agents and fixed connections to produce accurate compliance reports.
As a result of updating and configuring ILMT correctly the client was able to remove an audit exposure of over $300K.
We can help you mitigate risk and improve the return on your spend
Insight’s IBM optimisation consultants have deep expertise and experience in helping organisations of varying size and complexity to maximise their value from IBM technologies.