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Your SAP Spend

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to improve.

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Almost 70% of SAP customers are buying Digital Access licenses without proper sizing.

Customers who fail to size license volumes before buying risk future true-ups 24 times greater than the original purchase cost.


Helping you take control of your SAP investments

Many organisations struggle to understand the commercial and contractual complexities of SAP. Explore how our expertise can demystify the complexities, mitigate risks and optimise your spend.

Latest news and guidance

Prices are rising, contracts are more complex and you need to take control. We highlight latest news and advice to help you mitigate risks, optimise spend and create fit-for-future commercial and contractual SAP agreements.

Read articles:
• 2024 maintenance price increase
• Digital Access – Buyer beware
• Optimising is key to cost efficiency

SAP optimisation services

We deliver the right insight, guidance and expert help at the right time, so you can be in the best position to optimise spend, reduce risks and achieve a greater return on your investments.

• Explore our range of services

Need help?

If you need specific help right now, why not book a free 1/2hr session with one of our SAP optimisation experts. We can help support you to understand the challenges and potential solutions.

Book 1/2hr guidance session with one of our experts:

Marjon Schellekens Gerald Malenstein

Case Studies

Delivering success

See how we have helped our clients optimise their SAP investments and helped them find #BetterWaysToDoBusiness.

Multi-million Euro licence savings

A series of acquisitions left this multinational drinks business with a large number of licensed SAP products that had overlapping functionality. With further M&A activity on the horizon:

  • Through in-depth licensing reviews, multi-million savings were identified
  • Insight delivered a flexible and future-proof contract model

Insight helped the business evolve its relationship with SAP which resulted in multi-million Euro savings.

Road to success in saving 32%

This manufacturer was facing various issues around the usage of its current SAP software estate. In addition to ensuring that it remained compliant, the company wanted to explore its licensing options, particularly around adopting Digital Access. After conducting a detailed usage analysis of the organisation’s current licensing, Insight:

  • Provided detailed guidance around Digital Access and Indirect Access
  • Summarised the optimisation opportunities and created a software strategy

Streamlining their SAP licences resulted in a huge cost saving of around 32%, which could then be reinvested elsewhere in their business.

We can help you mitigate risk and improve the return on your spend

Insight’s SAP optimisation consultants have deep expertise and experience in helping organisations of varying size and complexity to maximise their value from SAP technologies.


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